sanctity of their most taboo urges.
Transforming humans through the
The Temple for freaky seekers, untraditional lovers, and revolutionary erotic pros to explore their erotic medicine and reclaim their deepest sacred needs.
Let’s elevate your eroticism to its rightful holy place.
Welcome to my temple
Unleash your true desires, bring your darkness out of the shadows, and extract the pearls of wisdom from the depths of your erotic medicine.
what’s your erotic medicine?
Heyyo, I’m Priestess Francesca, and I’ll be your guide through the erotic terrain that’s been too fiery, treacherous, or scary to walk alone.
Major publications like Cosmopolitan, Health, and Grand Central Publishing
Top Ranking Podcasts like Sex, Sin and Sensibility, Coming out of the Spiritual Closet, and Abundance Hack
Global Events like Envision Festival, DomCon LA & NOLA, and NYC Spirituality Week
Intimate therapy offices and wellness studios across the USA
Let’s shoot it straight…
+60% of people are not satisfied with their intimate relationships.*
60. Fucking. Percent.
So, you, beloved, are not alone.
If you’re here, you’re one of the brave few who decided to venture off the beaten path in search of more fulfillment. ::Pause while I throw you a mini-parade in my brain::
But, you know it, and I know it: Exploring your sexuality outside the bounds of how we’re ‘supposed to’ is a ride as painful as it is pleasurable (and sometimes maybe even more so).
The future of relating - where you become the most erotically empowered version of yourself, reclaiming and receiving your deepest sacred needs will require you to show up in ways that we're all wildly unprepared for.
Neither Hollywood's romantic idealistic fantasies (nor witnessing your parents' love lives) has set you up for the relational and sexual bliss you're seeking.
And spoiler: if talk therapy and books took us out of our misery, that dissatisfaction stat wouldn’t be so damn high.
If you feel the pull, join me and watch your relationships (and entire life) shift itself around these new levels of root deep truth.

Who this Temple serves…
Kinky Explorers
Untraditional Lovers
Erotic Pros
Seekers often come to this space when no one else has been able to make them feel safe, loved, and understood in the authentic expression of their sex, intimacy, and relationship desires.
Temple seekers frequently say:
“I’ve never felt so safe
to just be myself.”
The also say…

Ways I f*ck around with you…
Freak School
A 4-part digital series for kinky seekers, freaky lovers, and sexual beings wanting a no-Kool-Aid pathway for their erotic expansion. Explore new terrain and experience your full erotic darkness and light.
Erotic Alchemy
A private, guided journey to explore your sacred needs, follow your erotic medicine, and transform your intimate relationships into ecstatic expressions of divinity.
Erotic Order
Only for revolutionary erotic pros, this group program will tap into the regal nature of erotic energetics so you can elevate your work to its rightful sacred place, and bring deeper healing to you and your clients.
We will explore sacred experiences, moments, and truths of your eroticism by allowing your pleasure and desire to lead the way regardless of how taboo.
Unf*ckwithable, unshakable power at the center of you.
Instead of the wobbly, treacherous, confusing ride that plagues our sex, you’ll experience something way better:
The sweet relief when you’ve finally let go of everything you’re not and are (re)united with the soul you’ve been all along.
Cue: Epic Release.
A compromised sex life
is a compromised life life.
Your erotic energy shapes your life into the one you really want to be living.
If you learn how to hold it all, accept it all, and love it all – in its giant power – it will realign your relationships, reorganize your work, and replace your patterns.
But most people aren’t brave enough to walk that path…
I should know, because I was one of them.
I laugh saying that now, as if I could control my own future…
as if I were more powerful than the path my soul was destined to walk in this lifetime and the energies guiding those decisions.
Who is Priestess Francesca?
Priestess Francesca is a revered and trusted Sexologist, Dominatrix, Temple Priestess, and Non Conforming Lover.
Francesca has used her 15+ years of education, entrainment, and experience in the realms of non-traditional sex, intimacy, and relating to help seekers explore the dark unknown of personal sexual healing, be nourished by their true erotic medicine, and step fully into their authentic destiny.
Francesca is a powerful being comfortable in the chaos, conflict, passion and dynamism of transformative sexual experiences.
She’s not just an expert, she’s your stable anchor amidst these tricky and wobbly terrains.
I use a pleasure first Erotic Medicine approach… to allow you to tap into the essential and magical power of your sexuality and bring it to the forefront.
I believe that if it’s hot, it’s healing… and that’s more powerful than any scripture or prescriptive method out there.
I understand attachment theory and sex psychology… and trust intuition and your natural unfolding MORE.
I value individuality and uniqueness, intimacy and connection, personal integrity, and unconditional acceptance… and work best with folx who are down for that too.
I’m not a regular sex and intimacy coach.
I’m the sexy wise auntie who always made you feel better even when you were a total slop-shop (and, I say that with love).

Wanna find sacred in the profane and embrace the dark erotic to heal and spiritually grow?
Excited? me too.