Bring me your filthiest, most shameful desire —
and I’ll show you its pearls.
fuck, I know what it feels like.
I know what it’s like to want more than you’re “allowed” to have, so sometimes you have to take it in ways you’re not proud of… Like lying and cheating to feed my inner whore that I hadn’t yet claimed, or flying to Paris for the weekend to numb out in wild ways.
I know what it’s like to bury your desire under a load of voices that say you can’t have it.
So you end up taking a swing at your co-worker (ex-lover) at a company shindig when he brought a date that wasn’t you…
Been there. Done that. Got the fucking t-shirt.
I know what it’s like to be a mess, to be so completely flawed and human, and to let your sexuality plow through your life, instead of letting it gently and honestly lay the path for your greatest satisfaction.
When my sacred needs became too loud to ignore, I went from being Corporate Daddy’s favorite child to the literal taboo incarnate.
I’m still here. Still standing.
For you and your erotic medicine.
I’m here to stand boldly for the liberation of your deep erotic medicine.
Because no matter how dark your desires are, how taboo or disgusting – There’s nothing wrong with you.
In fact, it’s a liberating gift.

Your cage does NOT have to be your forever path.
unless cages are your thing ;)
You're here because you want MORE from your sex, more from your relationships, and most likely more from your life.
You feel the buried desires rattling inside that cage of your body-mind longing to be released but, if you've given yourself permission, you still don't know HOW --
You don’t have to keep sacrificing your most sacred needs, darkest desires, truest longings, and deepest urges on the altar of acceptance.
That shit is whack.
But I feel you, I was there.
Your sex, partnerships, and life should fulfill you, like a smooth silky scarf gently running along your naked body until your hairs stand on end.
Regardless of how you found me, I’m here to help you release the parts of your life that have no place and rattle them out like an orgasmic scream that shakes the dust from every surface...
What I want you to know is this:
Surrendering to your spiritual quest through the doorway of your sacred sexuality will transform you and clear the shit out of your life in ways you would not believe.
Sure, sometimes a kink is just a kink.
Sometimes wanting to be fucked by two men at once is just a fantasy.
But usually... it’s a doorway to the deepest healing you never even knew you needed.
And I’m so glad you’re here.
My Credentials
In my ideal future world, we will all have our team of specialists to help us grow and develop in a balanced and organic way: skilled medical doctors for our beautiful bodies, intelligent talk therapists for our thoughtful understandings, wise meditation coaches for our precious soul, and brave Erotic Initiators for our powerful and transformative sexuality. My cultivation journey in service includes:
Under the tutelage of High Priestess Jumana Sophia through HER Mystery School.
Training and direct oversite under Head Mistress Damiana Chi through The Evolutionary Dominatrix Academy®
Trauma informed and professional entrainment in the field of somatic sexology and sex/relationship coaching through Somatica Institute®
Learning the history and arts of the Dominatrix through Anne O'Nomis' Dominatrix Seven Realm Arts.
Embodying essential skills needed to guide powerful hands-on sexual transformational methods through the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA)
Studying under Seani Love as a practitioner of Embodied Shadow Work and Conscious Kink.
Supporting the production of the Pink Kink Podcast, Loving BDSM Podcast, and Lightworkers Who Play in the Dark Podcast.
Teacher and speaker at sexual and spiritual events such as Envision Festival, DomCon LA/NOLA, NYC Spirituality Week, and College Campus’ Sex-Ed Weeks.
Discussion leader and writer for Conscious Kink Community (CKC) founded by renowned Mistress Damiana Chi. -
Devoting myself to the poison path through medicinal initiations of varying forms (Kambo, Psilocybin, 5-MeO-DMT)
My Love
The choice is never “who do I love” because, I know in the deepest way, Love is what I am. Whoever is standing in front of me will receive me, all of it, all of my embodied Love. In my Temple, seekers feel the six embodiments of Love, according to the ancient Greeks.
When we’re in the depths of sexual energy exchange
When my loyalty to this path (and in turn them) makes us comrades in this revolutionary expression of authenticity
When we release the need to be serious adults who are “healing” and just play together
When I accept them selflessly and unconditionally without judgment
When no amount of time can taint the magic that was created, the pearls harvested, and nectar tasted.
When they witness me hold myself with the same graceful awareness and gentle compassion as I do them.

As your Erotic Initiatrix
I live in service of unleashing and meeting your true desires.
No matter how dark, how kinky, or how taboo.
No matter how buried, how old, or how “maybe it doesn’t matter.”
The weirder, the better.
The nastier, the hotter.
The edgier, the bigger – I challenge you to let your fantasies rip.
Because I'll be there to catch you, and I promise...
Whether your deep yearning is to play in new layers of kink, open your relationship, explore a deep, dark fantasy or learn how to navigate the hard parts of relating with grace...
…I've been there...
and will meet you from the depths of my love in all its incarnate forms.
Are you ready for all of you to be teased out and fully met?
"Take the roses into your hands, and squeeze the thorns until your hands bleed, even as you smell the scent of Aphrodite. When you can understand why there is no contradiction there, the first step of the path will be open to you."