Freak School
A 4-part digital series for kinky seekers, freaky lovers, and sexual beings wanting a no-Kool-Aid pathway for their erotic expansion.
Bring your most taboo desires into the light and let them nourish you into wholeness.
It seems like we’re collectively moving towards a more “sex positive” culture…
If that’s true, and true for you, here’s my question:
Why do your freakiest, most taboo desires still leave your heart racing in terror, your chest collapsing in shame, and your mind talking you out of experiencing the depths and heights of your longest standing fantasies?
If you feel like your deeply loving, compassionate, and judgment-free nature halts right when it comes to your own sexual hungers, you’re in the right place…
you’ve just left a relationship that left much to be desired in the bedroom,
you’re asking yourself which of your kinkiest fantasies you actually want to play with, or
you simply want to get better at declaring and enjoying what you truly want –

You crave for a type and level of pleasure + pain, a scene, a dream, a nightmare –
So much so you can SEE it and feel the throbbing in your body just reading these words.
But there’s a disconnect for you between the DESIRE and the DOING it.
Well, that’s precisely what we’ll uncover together in Freak School.
This is the Truth:
At the center of every erotic urge, no matter how freaky, is deep nourishment and medicine. But that’s not what we’ve been taught.
The power of your erotic medicine has attained a false reputation as oppressive and even destructive and this falsification has had dire consequences.
The genuine and natural power of your sex has nothing to do with power over anyone or anything else. None of these negative qualities are natural or inevitable in relation to fully embodying your full sexuality. None of them.
The true erotic power, of creativity, love and integrity, is more powerful than the fear-based lies of conditioned “goodness”.
Your true erotic power is the center of your bigness, your fullness, your life.
What you’re sexually attracted to, and your darkest, most hidden, kinkiest, taboo desires – are sacred signals guiding you to deep healing. Healing that will purge from you all of the programming that keeps you from your wildest, widest-open, most honest, and deeply loving life.

The question is, are you ready for that?
To burn that limiting and confining programming right out of your very being?
If yes, then lets fly that sacred freak flag of yours!
If not, that’s okay. Because that’s precisely what I’m here to help you with.
My work is showing you the truth of what your eroticism is here to teach you so your relationships expand, your heart bursts open, and your life becomes immensely more rich and fulfilling – because you’re finally meeting your desires head-on and no longer hiding the truth.
In my world, there’s nothing hotter than you claiming the absolute depths of your sex, your turn on, and your fantasies – no matter how disgusting or “problematic” you think they might be.
I dare you. Be a freak. Be a weirdo. Be as nasty as you can possibly be.
Because there’s nothing wrong with it.
And there never has been.
Your ego, judgment, and shame will all make themselves known on this journey.
What we’re going to do is burn the fuck outta your shame so you can open yourself wide to receive all the pleasure, connection, and bliss you’re longing for.
Welcome to Freak School, my Holy Freak.

Your sexual desires are held as sacred pathways to your expanded consciousness, self awareness, and wisdom - regardless of how taboo, kinky, or dark.
The space to explore is safe, strong, and contained so that you can have an emotionally authentic and cathartic experience
You are held with compassion in tender moments of vulnerability without judgment, wronging, or re-traumatization
This is a place where….
Holy Freak, this is where you learn to love and celebrate all of you.
In these masterclasses…
We’ll explore the mysteries of desire, attraction, relating, and pleasure through and beyond your most primal, carnal, and taboo urges in the ways that serve you and your journey.
From taboo fantasy to unleashed desires, this series will guide your curiosity so you can discover more about what makes you you, reclaim your sacred needs that often go unspoken, and receive the erotic medicine that is your birthright.
Whether you’re just beginning your sexual exploration journey or have been living with a shameful secret for years…
This is where we explore the sacredness of your eroticism by allowing your pleasure and desire to lead the way and uncover the magic it is here to reveal to you.

"This is the Sex Ed we all needed and never got"
- Avigail Hurvitz-Prinz, LCSW
licensed psychotherapist practicing in NY and PA, Author, Speaker
Freak School Signature Masterclass Series
Sliding Scale $222 - $444
*People usually have to pay thousands of dollars to attend events and listen to Francesca speak!
Lifetime access to FOUR…
Masterclass Teachings to shift your paradigm (over 8 hours!)
Vibrant Discussions to clarify your understanding
Alchemical Practices & Tools to transform the teachings into embodied wisdom
Conversation Frameworks to guide your partnerships and transform your connections
BONUS: Virtual Live Questions & Curiosities (2 hours!)
BONUS: Special insider pricing for future events and opportunities to deepen
Four month payment plan available at checkout
Enroll now to get launch bonuses 🖤
What’s Inside…
Trauma, Kink & Somatic Healing
Where radical sexual permission meets holy sacred regard. Our sexual energy is alchemical medicine. When we shed shame around our desires, fantasies, & kinks and learn ways to follow them into the depths safely, we can heal in profound and mysterious ways.
🔥Learn the four types of trauma and their sources
🔥Get clear on the body’s neuro-biological response to trauma
🔥Liberate how you view sex and erotic desires in relation to stored trauma
🔥Gain confidence with four keys to exploring safe(r)
++ Alchemy Practice: Explore the Taboo
++ Communicate: Express your Desires
Sex Magic - A Decolonized Approach
Where wild untamed beauty meets skillful self mastery. As the zeitgeist continues to highlight Sex Magic as the next silver bullet to reaching your manifestation potential, it's tricky to know what's real and what's click bait. Truth is, most of the information out there is dripping in colonial and oppressive programming in very sneaky ways. Let’s unshackle you from that shit.
🔥Learn the truth about decolonization and one phrase that will liberate you beyond measure
🔥Get clear on the distortions of magic
🔥Unburden ritual to ensure you are served at every moment of your unfolding
🔥Reclaim 3 ancient magical practices
++ Alchemy Practice: Non-Dual Scrying
++ Communicate: Soul Level Sexual Integration
Intuitive Vetting and Boundaries that Nourish You
Where empowered sovereignty meets authentic communion. Checklists, Negotiations, and Agreements are powerful tools in keeping you safe as you play... AND cultivating a practice of intuitive vetting can be the difference between safely playing and ending in devastation (especially when the clues aren't so obvious).
🔥Learn the beliefs and impacts of compartmentalization of sexuality so you can reclaim your power without exhausting yourself
🔥Get clear on the power move as a sovereign creature so that you become effortlessly responsive to life
🔥Unburden boundaries, what they are / are not, and what to do when they’re crossed
🔥Gain confidence as you practice in a world that is sexually and relationally unripe
++ Alchemy Practice: Pillar of Coherency & Embodied Oracular Wisdom
++ Communicate: Honor Capacity Limits
Restorative Repair - An Alchemical Approach
Where earthly shatter meets divine salvation. When conflict arises we are taught to address it through blaming, shaming, defending, explaining, apologizing, demanding forgiveness, or avoiding all conflict altogether. Unfortunately, this approach leads to spending time walking on eggshells, criticizing each other, and feeling overall distant and disconnected. Let’s relearn how to reclaim shattering moments into divine pathways towards gracious salvation.
🔥Learn how we got here - the lessons as children and adults - that taught us to fight in relationship
🔥Shift your paradigm in order for us to embody a new way (and not just fake-nice it)
🔥Decode the warning signals that erotic alchemy is calling you to the mat
🔥Gain confidence with a 9-part repair framework so you can deepen intimacy through conflict
++ Alchemy Practice: Trigger Mapping
++ Communicate: Safe Words & Managed Proximity
With Freak School Series, you will…
Grab your unconditional permission slip to accept parts of yourself that have previously been avoided and held in contempt. This series will remind you that you are whole, and that even your darkest parts are an important part of YOU.
Learn to love the messiness of sexual healing by deconstructing the covertly oppressive cultural ideas around sex and relationships that you’ve unknowingly internalized, AND connect the dots between your (very human) face plants and your (beautifully divine) expanded consciousness.
Identify the ways you’ve unconsciously given and taken power away in relationships and feel more comfortable with the fluidity of how to hold yourself in an un-fuck-with-able way.
“I literally spent $10K working with a coach and basically got nowhere. What you’ve shared in the first 3 minutes was everything I felt I ever needed to hear. Deep, deep, deep bow to you.”
Erica, she/her, 40s
Healing should NOT be like big pharma, meaning you should not have to spend a shit ton of money to feel better. We’ll dismantle that spiritual industrial complex nonsense right out of you so that you can fully realize: You’ve never been sick in the first place.
“I needed to break the barrier of shame of feeling like a burden. Fact is… I can’t imagine my life without these wisdoms in it. You’ve improved my life in ways that only a True Warrior of God can.”
David, he/him, 30s
Instead of turning yourself into a healing retreat junkie, you’ll start to realize that sacred context is what has been missing all along. These teachings won’t initiate you into an enlightened being… but they WILL orient you towards root-deep truth so that you can harvest your own pearls of enlightenment through every step of this earth walk.
With Francesca’s Globally Renowned Classes, You Will…
Deconstruct covert puritanical bull shit that has seeped into most “conscious sexuality” spaces
Strengthen trust in yourself instead of seeking constant external validation
Hold boundaries that feel effortless and nourishing instead of exhausting and combative
Deepen intimacy in the toughest moments of relationship conflicts and repair human connection in revolutionary ways
This is for you if you’re…
Returning to sovereignty after a long term relationship that was sexually and intimately unsatisfying.
Building a new partnership and wanting to be fully yourself physically and emotionally.
Have been holding in relational desires from, well, everyone, and want to start create an external reality that matches your internal fantasies.
number of relieved and empowered seekers who have journeyed through Freak School classes to date
average price seekers have historically paid to get these salts of wisdom at conferences and festivals
With Love,
Your Madame of the House
This series reconciles paradox in a myriad of ways.
We open to the ultimate truth that we can move through life from a place of simultaneous body autonomy and harm reduction.
We embody wisdoms that teach us we can create a reality anchored in self-love and collective love at every moment.
Ready to be brave?