Erotic Order
Returning regality to the nobility of sex work
Join this modern temple, built on four solid pillars that offer points of relief when you need it most, wisdom teachings to orient you to something different, and paradigm shifting truths to create our new existence.
We’ll honor the past, give place for the present, and consciously create the future.
The Temples fell and the Holy ones tortured. This is in our memory.
The wisest among them were looking forward through time and beyond torture to lock eyes on the ones that would remember.
They saw more than the darkness that arrived because they understood the cycle of all things and clung to that which this world cannot corrupt.
Their blood returned to the Earth to gain power in the invisible darkness… until Now.
You answer this calling with the vow:
In the Name of Resurrection with the Love that Abides.
This is not just a group program, this is an expression of great Remembrance of what was once the holding place of great wisdom.
This ethereal anthology is a new beginning for that which was never really corrupted.
In Honor of the Past
To the Devoted who journeyed to anchor, I bow.
To the Lineage of growing ancestors and elders, I bow.
To the Eternal Flame that I carry with pride, I bow.
You don’t choose this path. This path chooses you.
And this, beloved ones, is a well worn path of Holy Lineage and Wise Elders.
I’m often asked “how did you start on your journey?” And I say “as the best of us do, crying on the floor, humbled by the limits of humanness and turning towards something bigger”.
It’s possible you felt the tug to this path early in your life.
But this world has given no space for the Sacred, no honoring of the Truth, no respect for the Holy Work we do.
Until it does.
Today we sit at a crossroads moment around civil liberties and human rights of sex workers, the unbearable yearning for collective liberation, and the desperate fear of the unknown if we actually centralize our evolution in body autonomy.
The future is unknown. But I know this, this work is not going away.
The sacred texts were destroyed, the temples burned, and the Priestesses tortured… and for millennia, the threads of truth remained woven in our ways quietly, discreetly, covertly.
Until now.
What we do in our Temples is actually not the point… it’s the unseen depths of holiness that are touched - the warmth of the eternal, incorruptible flame - that make the time together so rich and nourishing.
Our Iridescent Community
In Seeing of the Present
For the liberation of our people, I pray.
For the remembering of our truth, I pray.
For the evolution of our understanding, I pray.
For the transmutation of our hate, I pray.
This is for the Priestexes who choose to remember.
What does it mean to Honor all expressions of Divinity as they express through us?
Like, really.
And, even though this world isn’t ripe with respect for our work – politically, socially, or economically – we know the power that resides in us.
Power that is not just in response to this world's amnesia.
But regardless of it.
I have often pondered what Britta Love puts so brilliantly in her piece
Dreaming the Revolutionary Sacred Whore: Doing the Work of the Goddex
“as we reach towards a vision of a world that recognizes the value and impact of erotic labor, I have now come to ask myself: what is the living body of ethics of the revolutionary sacred whore?”
How do we, the Priestexes who choose to remember, hold the staff of this power in a way that is anchored in Integrity, Reciprocity, and Divine Pride…
amidst all the forces in the world that try their best to have us believe otherwise?
And, even when our clients do acknowledge the healing aspects of our work, how do we keep our humanity amidst pedestaling adoration, admiration, and projection…
that inevitably will come tumbling down?
I’ve got some keys. But you hold the Treasure.
Life Herself has initiated me over and over again —
in ways I would have never asked for,
showing me Darkness I never could have truly been prepared for.
And I’m deeply grateful for my teachers and their wisdom —
which allowed me to walk this path of the Holy Whore
with some semblance of grace and sanity.
It doesn’t matter how your erotic labor arises:
Stripper, Porn Artist, Massage Worker, Dominatrix, or Full Service Worker…
The power to heal is always present. Even if your clients “only want to fuck”.
This offering is my attempt to support the emergent intelligence
of your deeply embodied whore wisdom
and to remember the living body of ethics
woven into a powerful lineage.
For the Creation of our Future
To the modern temples that hold us, I revere.
To the ones who share their story, I bow.
To the communities of care that deepen amidst hardship, I celebrate.
To the brave ones who answer this calling in life, I love.
To my elders and Priestess lineage, I honor.
Join me in the Erotic Order
— the new order —
the temple of holy wisdom
built on a lineage of
Power and Responsibility
With Love,
Your Madame of the House
What you’ll find is an intentionally created structure that offers
points of relief when you need it most,
wisdom teachings to orient you to something different,
and paradigm shifting truths to create our new existence.
We’ll honor the past…
Give place for the present…
And consciously create the future…
… with these four pillars of our modern temple to weave the holiness of your erotic labor.
Pillars of our Temple
Say what you mean, and do what you say. When your life doesn’t match that which you say, you are inherently vulnerable to becoming a leader who works out of integrity. This series of revolutionary teachings will shift how you hold yourself in personal and professional relationship dynamics so that you can offer the fruits of your inner knowing and lived expression to all you serve.
We don’t live in ancient Mesopotamia where the Holy Whore was mentored by elders, revered by society, and honored in the temples of worship. What do the gates, rituals, and bridges feel like in this modern era and how can we use the tools of today to recreate the sanctity of the ancient? This series of teachings will offer you guiding principles in how to hold your work in ways that are nourishing and preserving for you and your clients.
It seems like we’re collectively moving towards a more “sex positive” culture… So then why do our freakiest, most taboo desires still leave hearts racing in terror? The power of the erotic medicine that lives inside all of us has attained a false reputation as something that needs to be fixed and this falsification has had dire consequences. This series of teachings will show you how to hold sexual desires as sacred pathways to your expanded consciousness, self awareness, and wisdom - regardless of how taboo, kinky, or dark.
There is no manual and there is no prescriptive method for living out your destiny in ways that feel fulfilling and joyful for you. We can’t look to others for what is ours to do. So how do you create something brilliant from your depths in ways that are unfuckwithable by outside static? This series of teachings will be supported by outside subject matter experts who have been tremendous allies and inspiration along my own journey. They’ll be bringing their wisdoms from their own fields of genius to support the collective liberation and honoring of erotic labor.
Your Journey
The content is offered in a hybrid format of live teachings, pre-recorded lessons, group coaching calls, holy prayer services, and guest presentations & fireside chats. Each annual cohort is intentionally held for 6 months beginning on Samhain and ending on International Whores Day each year. You will have lifetime access to all core lessons, tools, and resources across all 4 Pillars of the Temple. There is an open invitation to join future cohorts at a significantly reduced rate — to deepen into the teachings in an anchored way and be supported by elders, experts and peers
Over 72 hours of transmitted wisdoms, coaching calls, holy services, and guest teachings will be available to you over the course of 6 months. The invitation is to be disciplined in your attention but surrendered to the outcome. Life is not linear and so don’t expect the application of content to be either. Divinely, what is for you will be yours – nothing more, nothing less.
All genders, orientations, and styles of erotic labor are welcome here. Although ancient times prescribed women the role of Holy Whore, we know that all of creation is an expression of the sacred and that our orphaned, desperate, world needs all of us at this crossroads moment of liberation. These teachings are held without hierarchy for what is holy work and what is not – we recognize that all of it is sacred and can be held with reverence.
When you walk through the Temple Gates, you are taking a vow: to aim higher than the world around you. This is a tall order. Are you ready to sit in the fire and let it burn you in ways that clarify, elevate, and fortify you? It’s not a casual process. Because of that, it is recommended that you have some lived experience of paid erotic labor before applying to join. Although not a requirement, joining prematurely is akin to getting a PhD without ever having a job – you don’t know what you don’t know. These wisdoms, frameworks, and discussions will be richer, fuller, and more applicable in real time if you have some dirt under your fingernails already.
These teachings are not intended to initiate you…
Life will initiate you.
Your calling will initiate you.
Your relationships will initiate you.
Your service to the world will initiate you.
My prayer is that this offering will allow you to walk this initiatory path
with some semblance of sanity and grace.
I won’t make promises on the money you’ll make.
I won’t make promises on the clients you’ll attract.
I won’t make promises on how you’ll feel about your work.
Because babes, it’s rough out there.
We live in a world that is simultaneously
so thirsty for what we hold in our depths
and has completely forgotten the truth of that which it is thirsty for.
My promise is this:
To hold the torch of seeing as Madame of the House
with Integrity, Reciprocity, and Divine Pride
in service to your unshakable embodiment of these anchors too.
more juicy deets…
Erotic Order runs once per year.
Registration Opens: International Whore’s Day (6/2/25)
Rolling Admission (6/2/25 - 10/30/25)
Opening Ceremony: Samhain (10/31/25)
2025 Cohort: 10/31/25 - 6/2/26
The full 6 month tribute for +72 hours of lessons, tools, coaching calls, and guest expert teachings is offered on a sliding scale of $1,222 - $3,666.
If your application is accepted and you are invited to join, Tiered Pricing Guidance will be provided so that you can offer a tribute that is both easeful and generous for you at this time.
Priestess Francesca understands that although the energetics are the same across all existence, the conditionings and lived experiences throughout society aren’t.
A certain amount of fully subsidized and partially subsidized spots will be made available in 2025 and reserved for those who experience intersecting oppressions such as Queer, Trans, BIPOC, and those with limiting physical abilities.
You’ll have lifetime access to core teachings, frameworks, and tools. Access to any discussion recordings will end at the end of the 6 month journey.
You’ll have an option to join future cohorts at a significantly reduced tribute amount.
Staying anchored and “re-journeying” through the material in an anchored way reveals truths that only cyclical living can show you.
No. Erotic Order is 100% virtual.
As a member of Erotic Order, you will have early access to group retreats and preferred calendar appointments for in person mentorship opportunities