Toronto Tantra Festival 2024
Toronto Tantra Festival (TTF24) — I’ll be holding 3 spicy events!
Trauma, Kink & Somatic Healing (BDSM) (Conscious Kink)
Uncoupling in Love - The Arts of Separation (Conscious Uncoupling)
Sacred Whore (Holy Whore) (Sacred Sex Work)

Visiting the “Baby”
Witnessing my first ABDL scene and learning how to be a better mother, with Priestess Francesca. Adult Baby Diaper Lover (ABDL) - Adult Nursing Relationship (ANR) - Dominant Mommy Little Boy (DMLB)

If It's Hot, It's Healing (Podcast By Jennifer)
In "If It's Hot, It's Healing," Francesca unravels the concept of Erotic Alchemy, exploring how our capacity for pleasure is inextricably linked to the transformative journey of life, death, and rebirth

Israel & Hamas - what to do in the face of global conflict
what to do in the face of global conflict

BJ Frazier Words of Praise
Words of Praise from B.J. Frazier - celebrated author of 50 Fem Domme Erotica novels.
“She has an aura of authentic intelligence. That’s a weighty accolade but, if you stay with me, I’ll get you there, too. Priestess Francesca is a Healer.”

Temple Priestesses & The Era of Endarkening
The Divine Dominatrix is here to shepherd you into the depths. This is not a time for Enlightenment… this is a time for Endarkening into the Body.

Sacred or Profane?
Your kinks and taboo expressions are not automatically profane. Nor is the veneer coating of "tantra" sexuality automatically sacred. Sacred or Profane depends only on ONE THING.

Rat Medicine
What can rats teach us about unlearning whorephobia? Allot more than you think.

3 Keys to Hold as you Hire your own Sexual Healer
There's no Kelly Blue Book for Sacred Sexual Healers. Hear me share my best practices for vetting based on my own weRk in the space… both on the holding AND surrendering end of sacred sexual containers.

Oppression… Repackaged
This conversation is so critical right now. Most spiritual seekers and space holders are on a slippery slope of perpetuating systems of oppression. Listen to the Soul and Psyche Podcast, linked here <3