Rat Medicine

I’m currently living in an Airbnb that has rats in the walls and, straight up, I empathize with them.

Chances are you never think of rats. And if you do, you probably don’t have anything nice to say. It’s interesting to me too how stigmatized the rat is compared to other small furry creatures with tails… like squirrels, chipmunks, or even mice. I mean, they’re basically the same exact animal whose walk of life just looks a bit different.

We’re so quick to say that rats have diseases… but so does every other mammal, bird, and insect. We’re so quick to say they’re disgusting because they live in the sewer and eat trash… but we never admire their resilience, resourcefulness, or ability to recycle rotting garbage into nourishment.

For over eight centuries, based on just rumors, humans believed rats were the source of the Bubonic Plague (Black Death). But actually, rats had nothing to do it. They’re not to blame for one of the most iconic tragedies in humans history and yet, here we are, creeped out by this creature simply because a couple of rumors started a bazillion years ago.

So, why am I saying all this? Because SWers are like the Rats of humanity. At best, you never think of them… and when you do, you’re probably not throwing props. So often our magical gifts are never acknowledged by those around us and we get slapped with labels based on bazillion year old rumors.

Whorephobia is real… it refers to the negative stereotypes, stigma, and marginalization sex workers face, which stems from a pervasive fear and distaste of sex workers. And while many of the rumors about whores are simply based in super old tall tales, the impact of these rumors are very real.

I recently guested on a top ranking podcast. We had an such an educational, inspiring, and interesting discussion… a conversation so touching to him that he decided to publish it the very next day with elation… Only to take it down moments later due to concerns about terms of publishing platforms.

This is fear in action… the fear of being associated with the human equivalent of a rat: a whore.

In this moment of pain, I am taught by the great teacher of the innate gifts of rat medicine:

  • Adaptability

  • Survival

  • Humor

  • Community

  • Resourcefulness

  • Recycling

  • Extreme Intelligence

  • Intuition

  • Withstanding Negative Public Opinion

Some days, I wonder why my soul’s purpose in life is to pull a Ratatouille and be seen in the light of day. But then I remember how that adorable movie ends - the tough critic returning with a softened heart, playful enjoyment, and a trusting openness for what the rat is serving up next.

It is in this that I remember why I took my holy vow in the first place.

See you in the depths <3

Baci xx

Priestess Francesca

Want to support SWers?

Unlearn and relearn… https://decriminalizesex.work/

Participate in mutual aid projects… https://swopusa.org/


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